Slow Play

Slow play continues to be a problem with some players in the league. I’m not concerned with a player who is averaging 20 seconds but occasionally goes over 45 seconds, I’m concerned with the player who pretty much averages 20 seconds or more than anyone else would in the same situation. I’ve addressed this many times and captains are supposed to be addressing this with their own players. Many captains are not. Therefore, I’m going to do the job that the captains won’t. If I get involved, the outcome is not going to be good. The idea is for the captain to keep me from having to address it. Therefore, effective immediately….

If I’m out at league and I see a player who I feel their pace of play is too slow, the player will be issued a warning and and also put on the “slow player” list which will be uploaded on the website. After that initial warning, I may at my discretion call a foul if it continues again. Once a player is listed, they will be opening themselves up to a possible punishment including possible suspension/ banishment from the league.

If you’re a captain and choose to turn a blind eye to this, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself if one or more of your players gets suspended. You can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution.

As of this moment, everyone has a “clean slate”. It’s up to everyone to keep their slate clean. Start building good habits whether I’m present or not so that when I am there, slow play won’t be an issue.

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