Double Hits

This is a good video to watch that explains a double hit. As a rule, if the cue ball reacts in a way that is not possible if the cue ball was placed 6 inches away from the object ball, it was a double hit. The exception is that if the balls are touching in which case...

Random Thoughts

If a player ever has a question as to why they are handicapped a certain way or why another player is handicapped another way, I can provide my reason as long as I’m looking at their spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet isn’t supportive of the handicap they are...

The Rumors Really Need To Stop

I have been hearing lots of untruths lately about me and/ or the league.  There are people in the league who love to stir the pot or maybe they get some type of thrill or feeling of importance when they can “break news” on things…..even if it’s not true.  BE CAREFUL...