Updated 9 Ball Standings
9 Ball Week 4 TEAM Standings (Mosconi)
Updated Tuesday Standings
Updated Monday Standings
Tuesday Week 19 TEAM Standings ( Mosconi)
8 Ball Session Tiebreakers
CLICK HERE For a list of 8 Ball session tiebreakers
Monday Week 18 TEAM Standings ( Solids)
Upcoming Invitational Dates
The dates for the Upcoming 8 Ball Invitational will be held in the first weekend of April ( April 4-6) at HoHos Billiards. More details to come as we approach the Invitational.
Updated 9 Ball Standings
Congratulations to Zero Fux Given!!!
Congratulations to Zero Fux Given on their convincing 30-20 win over Rack Em Up to win the PACS 9 Ball Championship!!! Can they repeat???