What To Expect – PACS Skill Levels

CLICK HERE for the PACS philosophy on skill levels.

CLICK HERE for detailed information on the algorithm that helps determine skill levels.

A Players 2.0-7.5 skill level rating is based on that players floor and ceiling of playing ability and their level of consistency.  2’s have the lowest floor/ceiling and M7’s have the highest floor/ceiling.  All players in the PACS league are capable of shooting well on any given night and appearing to outperform their S/L.  This a very important point to remember.  Records are only one indicator of a players S/L, albeit a very important one.

You can expect the following from PACS skilled players:

  • Each Skill Level will play safe and can run out on when left wide open
  • M7’s are near perfect in every match that they play, will break and run often, all facets of game are very strong, and have a high game win percentage against all skill levels including 6’s and 7’s.
  • 7’s will break and run at any time and give very few chances
  • 6’s will run out any time the table is fairly open and give very few chances
  • 5’s will look like a 7 during any one game, but will usually give a few extra chances per match. 5’s usually possess a much better understanding of strategy and safeties than 4’s.
  • 4’s are capable of running out on any table, but usually give a few chances per game.
  • 3’s are capable of running 5,6,7 balls at once, but rarely do and usually give plenty of chances during the match.  It is possible, but improbable that a “3” will break and run.  A “3” is permitted to make a kick shot or bank shot.  A “3” will also sometimes beat a 5,6,or 7  by a score of 2-0.    “3”s are permitted to have luck on their side sometimes.  
  • 2’s are capable of running 5,6,7 balls at once on a favorable layout of the table, but rarely do and usually give plenty of chances during each game.  A “2” is permitted to make a kick shot or bank shot.  “2”s are permitted to have luck on their side sometimes. 

A very important fact to remember is that on any given night, a player is capable of shooting much better then they normally do.  Do not base your opinion of someone’s level of consistency (skill level) by watching them play on a night when they played MUCH better than they normally do.  On any given day, the Browns can beat the Patriots.  That is not the day to measure their level of consistency.


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